Thought this was interesting. With our American norm of pursuing comfort and trusting in our society of safety, we often hide behind closed doors forgetting the cost of the Gospel.

The house churches in China teach 5 key “be ready” disciplines:

  1. Be ready to deepen your roots in the Word with prayer
  2. Be ready to testify about the Gospel
  3. Be ready to suffer for the Gospel
  4. Be ready to die for the Gospel
  5. Be ready to escape for the Gospel to carry on a ministry

I have to ask myself this question: Am I ready today to go out of my way to take a stand for the Lord? Am I ready at all times to die for the Gospel?

I’m afraid that’s not always the norm in our American/Western church-going life.    I think the true Worshipers of Jesus are exposed when trials of many kinds invade our lives.  Will we be willing to pursue Jesus as true worshipers off the stage as well as on? Let’s change our mindset that being a Worshiper is so much more than singing a few songs on Sunday morning, or performing church gathering programs.  Let’s “BE READY” to live out the things we’re singing about. Let us pray for the people around the world enduring trials — and be ready ourselves! Romans 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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